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Show Desktop

Hi welcome for more one tutorial. This time I will tch you how you can show Desktop using VB.Net. Using other words minimize all .

1- Crte a new Visual Basic project.
2- Add a button to the form
3- Double-click in button and then paste this :


4- Now let´s test it. Debug (F5) the project. Click in the button and all will minimize and the desktop will be showed.

Como criar um setup em ?

Bem vindo a mais um tutorial. Hoje vou mostrar como criar um setup em

1- Crie um novo projeto 'Visual Basic' , Forms Appliion, dê um nome e 'OK'
2- Adicione mais 2-4 Forms. Também poderiamos usar uma TabControl. Isso fica a seu critério. Simplesmente acho que o TabControl dá muitos bug. E depois à o problema de esconder os botões da Tab. Um setup normalmente têm 3-5 fases. Depende. Por isso, dependendo das fases que quer colocar vai colocar o mesmo número de forms. Mas um setup tem as janelas todas formatadas igualmente. Então, formate a gosto a sua janela principal (Form1). Clique com o lado direito e copie. Cole. Abra a janela e aletere o nome da janela para outro qualquer.

Vou explicar resumidamente o que faz um setup e para que serve o código em uso.

Um setup contém certos ficheiros necessários para o funcionamento de certo programa. Este vai criar um diretório, mover os ficheiros e criar um atalho (se assim o usuário desejar). É que claro que há Setups mais complexos que verificam se o sistema suporta os requisitos minimos , criam chaves no registro e muito mais.

1-Alterar de Form
Este é um código muito simples que serve para mudar de form em form. Este código deve ser usado num botão "Avançar" ou "Seguinte"


2- Criar diretório
Para criar diretórios (para quem não sabe) temos de importar o IO e o IO.Directory
Então no inicio da sua form adicione este código:


Agora sim podemos verificar se o diretório já existe. Vou usar como exemplo um diretório para instalar o meu WebBrowser no seguinte caminho "C:\Hyrokumata\WebExplorer7"

If Directory.Exists("C:\Hyrokumata\WebExplorer7") = False Then
*aqui vai o código 3- Mover ficheiros
'se pretender apagar o diretório caso exista:
'voltamos a criar um diretório novo e limpo

3- Mover ficheiros
Esta será talvez a parte mais complicada do processo. Mover ficheiros do My.Resources para um certo diretório.
Para começar adicione os ficheiros pretendidos no My.Resources

Agora use este código para mover/copiar os ficheiros do My.Resources para o caminho do programa

System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(IO.Path.Combine("Diretorio", "Nome do ficheiro + a extensão"), My.Resources.nome_do_ficheiro_no_MyResources)

Exemplo concreto:

System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(IO.Path.Combine("C:\Hyrokumata\WebExplorer7", "Start.exe"), My.Resources.Este_é_o_nome_do_Start)

4- Criar atalho
Para concluir, na janela final, coloque um CheckBox e vamos então criar o código para criar atalhos.

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then

Dim WsShell
Dim DesktopFolder
Dim FileShortcut
WsShell = CrteObject("WScript.Shell")
DesktopFolder = WsShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")

FileShortcut = WsShell.CrteShortcut(DesktopFolder & "\WebExplorer7.lnk")
FileShortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Hyrokumata\WebExplorer7\Start.exe"
FileShortcut.Description = "Começar a navegar"
FileShortcut.WorkingDirectory = DesktopFolder
End If

Espero que tenham compreendido a explicação. Qualquer dúvida enviem e-mail para . Quanto ao vídeo irei melhorá-lo ta um bocado para o mal :s

How to see my graphic card informations ? / Como ver as informações da minha placa gráfica?

Hoje vou ensinar a ver as informações da tua placa gráfica . Hi everyone today I will show to you how you can see all informations about your graphic card

1- Primeiro clica em Iniciar=> Painel de Controlo / First, clik in Startand Control Panel

2- Depois Aspeto e Personalização / Then clickApprance and Personalization

3- Agora clique em Personalização / Now click inPersonalization

4- No fundo da janela tem Definições de visualização / On the bottom of the you see Display Settings

5- Clique no separador "Placa" e la tem tudo o que precisa / Finnaly click in tab "Adapter"

iobit 2.0.0 by Hrokumata

Quando voce abre o programa abre ao do ero1- Abre uma 2ª janela com ajuda2- Abre um 3ª janela com informações do programa3- Abre o navegador padrão com a nosso pagina do facebook Hyrokumata4,5,6 e 7 - Clique la para obter as chaves de licença do programa pretendido

1- Abre a nossa pagina Facebook2- Fecha o programa3- TextBox com o texto
1- Abre o meu tutorial do programa escolhido
2- Mostra as chaves de licença

Como extrair os ficheiros de uma pasta .zip usando o WinRar?

Como extrair os ficheiros de uma pasta .zip usando o WinRar?
1- Va ao local da pasta .zip
2- De um clique com o lado direito do rato e clique em Extrair para ...\
3- Ira aparecer uma janela igual a esta. Aguarde ate que ela fecha que significa que o processo esta concluido
4-Concluídaaextração,poderá usar os ficheiros nela à vontade e ficara com um aspeto igual/semelhante ao da m

Hyrokumata Fórum: Como ver as informações do sistema?

Hyrokumata Fórum: Como ver as informações do sistema?

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Usas a versão free do AVG 2012 ? Não percas mais tempo e faz já um upgrade para a versão Internet Security 2012 até 28 de Fev de 2018

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Clica aqui para baixares o AVG Internet SEcurity setup

Get all controls

Get controls in form
Hello! Welcome to more one tutorial. Today, I will show you different situations to list controls.
How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!
Get all controls in form
To get all controls in your form you just have to use: For ch cControl As Control In Me.Controls MsgBox(cControl.Name) NextIf you want to get all controls in a Panel or FlowLayoutPanel this method also works: For ch cControl As Control In Me.Panel.Controls MsgBox(cControl.Name) Next
Get type of controls
If you just want to get all buttons in your form or other kind of control use this: For ch cControl As Control In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Button)() MsgBox(cControl.Name) Next
Get controls by string name
To get controls by string name, I mn, get a control that you know that have a specific name use this: Dim btn As Control = CType(Me.Controls("BUTTON2"), Button) MsgBox(btn.Name)
Now imagine that you want to get all controls that the name starts by “Some”. You don´t know the end of the name of the control. Can be 1,2,3 …
If you know the type use this: For ch cControl As Control In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Button)() If (UCase(cControl.Name) Like "SOME*") Then MsgBox(cControl.Name) End If NextIf you do not know … For ch cControl As Control In Me.Controls If (UCase(cControl.Name) Like "BUTTON*") Then MsgBox(cControl.Name & "Like") End If NextThanks for rd!Any questions lve comment or send e-mail to

Check if form is running

Verify if Form is opened
Hello! Welcome to more one tutorial. This time I will show to you how to determine if a specific Form is running. It´s syJ
How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!
Start in the Form Design
For this tutorial we will need a two buttons. One is to verify if the specific form we want is opened or not. The other is to show that form (this second button is just to show you that this works fine). You can add the form manually by right-clicking theProject Name > Add > Forms. In this case I will erate a form at running time.
The …
Click,View > .This will open the .vbfile of the form.Betweenthis lines:PublicClassForm1EndClassWrite this (this is to erate a form that will need it later)DimfrmAsNew.Forms.Form
Now, Click incomboboxthat is in the top, left side. SelectFormX(events)and in theComboboxin the top right side selectLoad. This will erate theLoad Event of the FormWrite the next lines of :
PrivateSubForm1_Load(senderAsObject, eAsEventArgs)HandlesMe.LoadButton1.Text ="Check if forms is running”EndSub
Next, do the same to the button. Select in the leftButton2and in the right sideClickor more simple do double-click in the button in the designer.Write this: (This is the button that will open the form.Here I am customizing the form and then I will show it when click inButton2)
PrivateSubButton2_Click(senderAsObject, eAsEventArgs)HandlesButton2.Clickfrm.Size=NewSize(200, 200)frm.StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreenfrm.BackColor=Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30)frm.Name="Form2"frm.Text="Form2"frm.Show()EndSub
In an empty space (between the lines:PublicClassForm1EndClass), paste the next . This is aPublic Functionthat we will use to check if form is opened or notPublicFunctionIsFormOpen(ByValfrmAsForm)AsBoolnIfAppliion.OpenForms.OfType(OfForm).Contains(frm)ThenReturnTrueElseReturnFalseEndIfEndFunctionRept the process used to erate theClickevent to theButton2but now for theButton1. (The button1 is the button I´m using to check if forms is running). Paste this :IfIsFormOpen(frm)Then'frmis name of the second formMsgBox("The form is running",vbOKOnly+vbInformation)ElseMsgBox("The form is not running",vbOKOnly+vbInformation)EndIf
Now is time to test. Debug you project. Click the Button2 to open thefrm. Then click Button1 to see if is running or not. You will get this message “The form is running”Now close the second form (frm, the black one) and press the button1 again and what you get? Exactly, “The form is not running”Thanks for rd!

Advanced SystemCare 7

Advanced SystemCare 7 Beta 1.0 has been relsed

iObit has relsed a new version of one of the most popular systemoptimizationsoftware;: Advanced System Care
Here are the new ftures and improvements of this new version (according with official information from iObit):

+ Brand new user interface for sier and smoother use.
+ AutoCln is available in FREE edition now for lit privacy protection and system clning.
+ New Surfing Protection technology supports rl-time database update and parent control for safer surfing for both parents and kids.
+ New Homepage Protection function protects homepage and srch engine against malicious modifiion.
+ New Program De tool for retrieving more available system resource by disabling running programs.
+ New Skip-UAC function for faster and sier loading of the program.
* Fully upgraded Cloned Files Scanner supports removing duplies in just one-click.
* Expanded Malware Removal database for better protection against latest malware thrts.
* Enhanced Registry Fix and Vulnerability Fix for faster scanning speed and stable performance.
* Enhanced Shortcut Fixer provides faster scanning speed and richer functions.
* Improved Junk Files Cln fully supports the clning of 8 Metro (Modern) Apps.
* Improved Explorer supports removing useless downloaded files by scanning download directories.
* Improved Turbo Boost gives you more stable performance and advanced custom configuration.

Download & Install

The setup is the same used in Advanced System Care 6. So is not hard to install it. See the next s to help you.
This is the first that will appr. Click in Next >
Now it will be presented the licence contract. If you want to, you can rd it and then Accept. Or just do like me, ignore the long text and click Accept :)
Here, you can change the loion of theinstallation. If do not need do that. Click Next >
Now you can chose if you want to crte a shortcut in your Desktop. If you want it, check the box else uncheck it. Click Next >Now the Setup is crting the folders and extracting the files. It will take a few minutes. When done you will see the next .

The installation is done. Click Finish

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Advanced System Care 6.4 Pro

Hey welcome to more one tutorial. There is avaible the ASC 6.4 final edition. Watch the if you need help.
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Write in exist text files

Write in exist text files
Today I will tch you how to write in text files (.txt) using VB.Net. Let´sgo :D
How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!
Start in the Form
In the form, add aTextBox(orrichtextbox) to place the text from the file. The textbox should supportMultiLine. You can enable it in the Properties of the textbox or using like I will show in the example. Center it in the form. Also we need a Button.
The …
PressControl + Alt + 0to open the page.Click incomboboxthat is in the top, left side. SelectFormX(events)and in theComboboxin the top right side selectLoad. This will erate theLoad Event of the FormWrite the next lines of :
PrivateSubForm3_Load(senderAsObject, eAsEventArgs)HandlesMe.LoadButton1.Text ="Save”TextBox1.Multiline =True
Now do the same to the button. Select in the leftButton1and in the right sideClickor more simple do double-click in the button in the designer.Write this:
PrivateSubButton1_Click(senderAsObject, eAsEventArgs)HandlesButton1.ClickIfSystem.IO.File.Exists("C:\Test\About.inf")Then'check if file exists' 'If yes the write in fileTryDimobjwriterAsNewSystem.IO.StrmWriter("C:\Test\About.inf")objwriter.Write(TextBox1.Text)objwriter.Close()MsgBox("File saved",vbInformation+vbOKOnly)chexAsExceptionMsgBox(ex.Message,vbCritical+vbOKOnly,"Error")EndTryEndIfEndSub

TheSystem.IO.StrmWriter, does not work only in.txt files, but also in other tipes like.inf or.ini and others. If the file is supported by the Notepad of it will also open if you use my this method. Is important use theTry ... End Trybecause if the file that you want to rd is being used by other process you app will crash. And also, if theSystem.IO.StrmWriterdoesn´t support that file.

How to rd text files

Rd text files
Today I will tch you how to rd text files (.txt) using VB.Net. Let´sgo :D
How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!
Start in the Form
For this tutorial we will need to crte a Text file in our to test our appliion.It´s simple.Open yourNotepadewritesome text. Then save it in Desktop and rename it in the form, add aTextBox(orrichtextbox) to place the text from the file. The textbox should supportMultiLine. You can enable it in the Properties of the textbox or using like I will show in the example. Center it in the form. Also we need a Button.
The …
PressControl + Alt + 0to open the page.Click incomboboxthat is in the top, left side. SelectFormX(events)and in theComboboxin the top right side selectLoad. This will erate theLoad Event of the FormWrite the next lines of :
PrivateSubForm3_Load(senderAsObject, eAsEventArgs)HandlesMe.LoadButton1.Text ="Open file ..."TextBox1.Multiline =True
Now do the same to the button. Select in the leftButton1and in the right sideClickor more simple do double-click in the button in the designer.Write this:
IfSystem.IO.File.Exists(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop &"\")Then'check if file existsTextBox1.Text =System.IO.File.RdAllText(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop &"\")'if true the load the text from the file and insert in the textboxElseMsgBox("File not found",vbCritical+vbOKOnly,"Error")'if false show amessageboxEndIf
If you want, you can also you the controlOpenFileDialog. Paste this on you Click event of the button.
DimopenfileAsNewOpenFileDialogopenfile.CheckFileExists=Trueopenfile.InitialDirectory=My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocumentsopenfile.Multiselect=Falseopenfile.Filter="Text Files (.txt)|*.txt| Configuration Files (.inf)|*.inf"openfile.FilterIndex= 1openfile.Title="Select the text file ..."openfile.ShowDialog()IfDialogResult.OKThenTextBox1.Clr()TextBox1.Text =System.IO.File.RdAllText(openfile.FileName)EndIf

Como ver as informações do sistema?

Como ver as informações do meu Sistema?

Para ver as informações do sistema, aperte as teclas+

Isto irá abrir o Executar. Digite msconfig e clique em OK.

Irá surgir então a janela com as Informações do Sistema

Add a border in FormBorderStyle = None

Add a border in FormBorderStyle = None

When we are using Forms with the property FormBorderStyle = None is alwaysconsider adding a border into your Form. Why? Well, imagine a Operative System that the DesktopBackgroundis a black . Now, imagineyour program with Forms with a black back color.
In this case, the user will be confused because he doesn´t know where is the form of your program. But if you add a white border it will be better right?

How to crte a project in Visual Studio?

Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNew Project ...
If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms Appliion
Rename your project name if you want and clickOK.
It´s sy!

Adding the border ...

For this case, I will crte a rectangle with a same size and loion that your form. You can also chose the width of the rectangle. In the end, it will work as a border. Simple it isn´t?
For this example, you need 2 event of your Form. Paint and Load. To open the file that contains the press Ctrl + Alt+ 0
You will also need some lines of out of Events space but after the Public Class of your Form like in the next .

In that space add this lines
Private borderColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(9, 74, 178)Private borderWidth As Integer = 2Private formRegion As Rectangle
Now in the Paint Event:
Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, formRegion, borderColor, _ borderWidth, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, borderColor, borderWidth, _ ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, borderColor, borderWidth, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, _ borderColor, borderWidth, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid)End Sub
In the Load event:
Don´t forget to check the size of your form. The first 2 s are the loion. The next 2 s are the size.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadformRegion = New Rectangle(0, 0, 626, 372) 'size form 626; 372End Sub
I hope this was helpfull!
See you next time!

Erro 0x0000135 XP

ProblemaQuando executo uma aplicação, ocorre um erro do tipo 0x0000135. O que fazer?
O tem o Service Pack 3 e .Net Framework 4.0?
O mais provável, é o erro ocorrer pelo seu .Net Framework ser antigo. No entanto, para ter a versão mais recente precisa também do XP Service Pack 3!
Aperte a tecla + R. Isto irá abrir o Executar.

Irá surgir numa janela pequena no canto inferior esquerdo. Digita nfo32 e clica em OK.Esta ação permite abrir as Informações do Sistema!Nas primeiras linhas tem o nome do SO (Sistema Operativo) e na segunda linha irá encontrar a versão do seu Service Pack conforme a m abaixo.

Se o seu Service Pack é o 3 pode ir para o próximo passo que é instalar o .Net Framework 4.0Caso contrário, clique aqui para transferir o Service Pack 3. Tenha em atenção toda a documentação oficial da . A instalação do SP é demorada. Pode levar cerca de 1 hora!
.Net Framework 4.0 ( XP)
Agora estamos prontos para instalar o .Net Framework da . Acesse este link para fazer o download do ficheiro de instalação. Siga os passos da documentação. Quando concluído reinicia o PC e tenta abrir o apliivo em questão!

Camtasia Studio 8

Camtasia Studio 8
1- First download the setup of Camtasia Studio 82- Install it in your computer. While you are installing, there will appr a asking if you want to use trial or if you have a . Choose any name and paste one of the following Updated last time at 26/09/2014
Name /
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Desativar reinicio automático em caso de erro 7

O quando instalado está pré-definidopara reiniciar automaticamente em caso de erro evitando assim, os erros conhecido como "Blue Screen". Mas, quando estes erros são constantes dá jeito saber através do "Blue Screen" qual a causa desse mesmo erro. Para tal, temos de ativar esta função, ou seja desativar o reinicio automático.

Bastante simples!
Aperte as teclas + R para abrir o Executar! Depois digitesystempropertiesadvanced e clique em OK.

Irá surgir uma nova janela como a seguinte. Clique em Defenições no grupo Arranque e recuperação.

Irá surgir mais uma janela. Agora, desmarque a caixa Reiniciar automaticamente e clique em OK para guardar as novas definições.

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BitDefender 2013 : #1 security software

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Send E-mail

How send e-mails using

Hey guys. Today I will do a very simple tutorial to send e-mails, let´s go!
First open your Visual Studio and Crte a New Project using Visual Basic. Rename it if you want.
So, in your Form add three TextBox ok? One it will be to text the message (Body), other to write the subject (Subject) and finally the destiny (To). Add also a Button with the text “Send”. Double-Click in the button.

Send E-mail Form

Dim Mail AsNew MailMessage Mail.Subject = Subject.Text Mail.To.Add(To.Text) Mail.From = New MailAddress("") Mail.Body = Body.Text
Dim SMTP AsNew SmtpClient("") 'server of Outlook, Live and Hotmail accounts
SMTP.EnableSsl = True SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "your_") SMTP.Port = 587 ‘port for accounts SMTP.Send(Mail) MsgBox("Message has been sent with sucess", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "YUPII!") ‘Finally show a MessageBox ch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message, vbOK + vbCritical, "Error") End Try
Add a Login Form

Now I will tch you using a Login Form to send e-mails. It´s very sy. First you will add a new form. I will use a LoginForm to make it sier but you can use a normal form. Right-Click in your Project < Add < Form < LoginForm. Rename it if you want. Now Double-Click in OK button. If you use a normal Form use have to add one Textbox, a MeskedTextBox, two buttons (OK & Cancel or Close).

Private Sub OK_Click(ByValsender As System.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) HandlesOK.Click IfUsernameTextBox.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Invalid e-mail") Else If TextBox.Text = ""Then MsgBox("Invalid ") Else Form1.Show() Me.Close() End If EndIf EndSub
Now you just have to change the StartUp Form from Form1 to LoginForm1. I hope you liked. Any questions send e-mail for


Hey guys. Today I will do a very simple tutorial to explain how to crte and delete directories. So, let´s go! Maybe this is a stupid tutorial but is just for you understand the basic of crting folders and subfolders, and also how to delete it.First open your Visual Studio and Crte a New Project using Visual Basic. Rename it if you want. Add two textbox and two buttons. The first button, rename it as “Crte” and the second one as “Delete”.
Crte Directory
Double-Click in the button named as “Crte”Private Sub Button1_Click(sender AsSystem.Object, e AsSystem.EventArgs) HandlesButton1.Click Try System.IO.Directory.CrteDirectory(TextBox1.Text) chex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error") End Try End Sub
Delete Directory
Double-Click in the button named as “Delete”Private Sub Button2_Click(sender AsSystem.Object, e AsSystem.EventArgs) HandlesButton2.Click Try System.IO.Directory.Delete(TextBox2.Text) chex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error") EndTry EndSub

Check if a directory exists
But to prevent errors here you first you should check if the directory exists like in next example:Private Sub Button2_Click(sender AsSystem.Object, e AsSystem.EventArgs) HandlesButton2.Click IfSystem.IO.Directory.Exists(TextBox2.Text) Then Try System.IO.Directory.Delete(TextBox2.Text) ch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error") End Try EndIf EndSub

2013 Professional



Hyrokumata is developing an for 2013. This program will also check if yourcomputeris rdy for 2013 and much more ... Coming Soon!

Obter driver do atual

Bemvindos. Hoje vou fazer mais um pequeno tutorial. Desta vez vou mostrar como obter a letra do atual por exemplo a mais comum C:\

1-Abre o Visual Studio
2-Seleciona a linguagem Visual Basic. Dê um nome e crie o projeto
3-Duplo-Clique na Form1 ou carregue na tecla F7 para abrir a janela de código. Se optar pela segunda opção terá que criar o evento Load da Form1 manualmente.
(Neste caso vou usar uma MessageBox mas também pode usar umaLabel, TextBox …)
4-No inicio do formulário digite o seguinte código:


5-No evento Load da Form1 cole o código seguinte:

Dim driver = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory)
MsgBox(driver , vbOk + vbInformation, “What is the letter of my ?”)

Mas e se eu usar uma TextBox ou Label ? É o mesmo:
Dim driver = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory)
Label1.Text = driver
TextBox1.Text = driver

Driver of current

Hey welcome back guys.
Today I will show how you can get the driver letter of current . It´s very simple.

1-Open your Visual Studio program
2-Select Visual Basic language. Rename it and crte the project
3-Double-Click in the Form or press F7 to open the form. If you use F7 you have to erate the Load Event of the form
(In this case I´m gonna use a MessageBox but you can use also a Label, TextBox …)
4-In the begin of the form add this line of :


5-Finally in the Load Event add this line:

Dim driver = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory)
MsgBox(driver , vbOk + vbInformation, “What is the letter of my ?”)

And if I use a TextBox or Label ? It´s simple.Dim driver = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory)
Label1.Text = driver
TextBox1.Text = driver

Evento clique direito VB.Net

Bem vindos a mais um tutorial. Hoje vou mostrar como criar um evento do clique direito do rato.
Como podem ver, não existe nenhum evento para tal. Por isso, vou mostrar como podem fazer o vosso próprio Right-Click Event
1- Abra o Visual Studio2- Crie um projeto em VB.Net3- Adicione um botão ou outro tipo de controle
Vamos ao código. Podemos dividi-lo em duas partes4.1- A primeira é criar um evento Mouse_Up4.2- A segunda parte é detetar se quando o usuário clica sobre o botão, ele está a usar o botão direito do rato.
Clique duas vezes sobre o botão (ou abra logo o ficheiro form1.vb). Crie o evento Mouse_Up. Cole o código abaixo:
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then MsgBox("Clique direito do rato :D") End If
Qualquer dúvida deixe comentário.

Right Click Event

Hey welcome back for more one tutorial. Today I will show a simple to crte a Right Click Event.
As you can see, there is no an "automatic" Right Click Event so, when you want to make it you have to use other methods. I will present the most simple.
1- Open your Visual Studio2- Crte a project in VB.net3- Add for exemple a button or any other control than you want
Now let´s go to the . This contains 2 steps.4.1- Crte a Mouse_Up Event4.2- Detects if when the user click in the button, he used the right button of the mouse.
So, double-click in the button (or just open the form1.vb file). Crte the Mouse_Up EventPaste the following :
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then MsgBox("Right Click :D") End If

Norton 2013 Trial Reset

Norton 2013 Download

Download here 18/01/2013)

AVG PC TuneUp 2013

Hey guys. I´m rlly sorry but AVG is always banning the from Internet. There is no working at this time. Don´t be said. I have the solution! All you need is rd this tutorial till the end and a !

1-I have AVG PC TuneUp 2013 installed on my computer and it says that i´m have been a victim of piracy or something like that ...

In this case, open AVG PC TuneUp 2013 that is installed on your PC. When the error message apprs click in Enter Product on the left side in the bottom.
Now, disconnect from Internet!
Paste the following and chose a name and a organization that you want!

Finally click Next to activate AVG. A message ofsuccesswill appr! Then it will close by themself!
Open AVG from the shortcut in your Desktop or enter AVG PC TuneUP in the textbox of Start Menu and open it!
If he ask you to update just Ignore. Now that the Start Center is open go to Settings and then Updates. Disable the automatic updatechecks!
Connect to the Internet if you want!

2-I don´t have AVG in my PC yet ... It will be my first test

In this case you have to download AVG TuneUp Setup first. This is the oficial webpage.
Download it and launch the setup when the download is complete! Do all steps to install. When it´s done, go to the Screen Center and click in Help-Support andRegisterProduct or Activate Product or something like that.
Don´t forget to disable your internet connection before you activate. Now chose a name and Organization that you want and paste the


Click in Activate with Internet Off! A message of success will appr! Then it will close by them self. Open AVG again and now for you get AVG Life Time you have to disable the Automatic Updates. How? Very simple ... In the Start Centergo to Settings and then Updates. Disable the automatic updatechecks!
Connect to the Internet if you want!

3- Get AVG PC TuneUP 2014

The explanation in my doesn´t work anymore. Coming soon an update! Thank for watch. Any problem send e-mail to or lve comment!

AVG Internet Security 2013

AVG AntiVirus

AVG Internet Security



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Get current user name

Hi welcome for more one tutorial. This time I will tch you how you can get the name of current user

1- Crte a new Visual Basic project.
2- Add Label
3- Double-click in form and then paste this :

Me.Label1.Text =SystemInformation.UserName

4- Now let´s test it. Debug (F5) the project. The label then you choose will get the current user name of

iObit Driver Booster Pro 2.1


Outdated drivers may hvily affect your PC performance and ld to system crashes. Driver Booster Free, designed with IObit’s most advanced driver update technology, scans and identifies outdated drivers automatically, and downloads and installs the right update for you with just ONE click, saving you loads of time. Moreover, this driver updater is specially designed to twk drivers for best gaming performance. There is no definitive answer to that. While it may make sense to keep the status quo, your system may sometimes benefit from updated drivers, for instance by improving performance, compatibility or ftures that the new driver added to it.

While it is certainly possible to srch for drivers manually, it requires that you know which devices are installed on your system and where to look for drivers for these devices. Driver Booster 2 is a new version of the driver management software that automates the process as much as possible.

New Ftures
New Cloud Technology Automatically Ensures Database are Up-to-DateNew Silent Mode Automatically Updates Drivers in the BackgroundImproved Downloading for More Stable PerformanceSupported More DevicesSupported 28 languagesAdded Right-click Ignore OptionFixed eral BugsDownloading and activatingFor those who have iObit Driver Booster 2 BetaIf you have the beta edition, run Driver Booster, check for updates and follow the steps. After you install the final version, the Beta had gone from your , you don't have to do it manually.If you don't have Beta, click here to download the latest version (2.1.0)


Follow all steps and finish the installation.

Open Driver Booster, click Activate Now button and paste the following licence (note: you can disable internet connection if not working)

: 2EC72-368A4-5E4E9-D54A1
Expiration Date: 2015-11-22

Like my facebook page!

iObit Driver Booster 2 2.1.0 2.1 Pro Free Licence 2014 2015

ESET SmartSecurity & NOD32

Hello folks!
Today I am going to share with you another antivirus also very well known, ESET!
This tutorial is applicable to ESET SmartSecurity 8, NOD32 8 Antivirus and Endpoint Security only.
This method is quite simple. You must install the trial version (unless you alrdy have ESET on your ) of one product mentioned above, which you can download for free on oficial webpage. After that, you only have to download an toll which will activate permanently the software.

1- Where to download ESET?
ESET is available in many worldwide languages, it's difficult put all download links in this post. The siest way is to visit, it will ask your which country are you from or you'll be automatically redirected to the page associated with the country you are in.On the top, you have some menus. If you are looking for SmartSecurity or NOD32, you must click "For Home", there you will find options to download one of the mentioned products. However, if you are looking for Endpoint you need to visit business section by clicking "For Business".
Once you download the setup file, run it to proceed with the installation. When done, move on to the next step where I will explain how to activate.

2- Activate permanently
As you can see, I have 31 days trial left.
Start by disabling the rl time protection of ESET! For that, in the systemtray, right-click on ESET icon and Temporarily Disable ESET protection
Ok you are rdy to download the tool here (no s)
Before you unrar it, add the file to the exceptions list
Unzip it. Run the fileESET .exe. All the process must be executed in Safe Mode, to be sier, the own tool can setup to boot on Safe Mode by clicking Activate. A message will pop-up, click OK. will restart in Safe Mode

Run the tool again, click Activate again. The toll will proceed with and will automatically restart (without Safe Mode)

ESET is activated permanently!!

Acronis True 2015

Looking for Backup Software? Acronis True is for a long time a good option, however the free versions are quite limited and for that rson in this post I will explain, step by step, how to activate Acronis True 2015 for PC ().

'Reliable backup and recovery of your entire system – email, music, photos, s, documents, personal settings, bookmarks, and all your appliions.' - Acronis

Download and Install
If you don't have Acronis True 2015 installed on your PC, you can get the free trial through this direct link (official)

Once you downloaded the Setup, run it and begin the installation, is very simple, and that's why I will not publish s step by step of the installation process.
When done, you can run Acronis and take a quick look for new ftures etc ..

When you run the Acronis for the first time, it will ask your for a uine licence but you have the option just to Start Trial. Click that button as shown in picture below

To proceed the , exit from Acronis, just by clicking the X button on the top, automatically all related processes will end.

So, as you can notice on Licence menu, you have 30 days left until the test period end. After that, you won't be able to use all ftures.

You need to download a .dll file [] and move it to True ' installation folder.You can download the file directly from my MEGA server (no s or protection). Extract the file to the desktop, just for sier access. Then, in File Explorer, browse toC:\Program Files\Acronis\TrueHome and move thelibcrypto10.dll (the file you download) toAcronis folder, just as shown in the picture

The first step is completed. Now, is very important to block Acronis of accessing Internet. How do you do that? If your antivirus has firewall, you have to got to Firewall Settings and add a rule to block Acronis.

Otherwise, you can use Firewall or any other third-part software.
On Start Menu srch Firewall

On right side, on top, click the link Allow an app or fture through Firewall

Look for Acronis Sync - At Service and uncheck the box, then click OK

We are almost done! Now disable your Internet connection. This is important and necessary for that Acronis can't have access to their servers to check if the entered licence is uine or not.
Go to Acronis True , you might have a shortcut on Desktop, or look for it on Start Menu.
Go to the Licence Menu (5th one with icon), click the link Enter and paste one of the next


If you get an error at the first attempt (as I got), close Acronis, open it again and you will get full version.

Q: Do I have to turn off my Internet connection every time I want to make use of Acronis?
A: No, once activated, you can enable internet again and use Acronis True as you want without trouble!

Q: Can I update Acronis version?
A: Is not recommend, you can do it but you take the risk of starting trial period again and have to rept all this process again.

That's all. Hope you liked this tutorial. Can send e-mail for any questions or lve comment. Plse, if this is not working for you, let me know :)

Advanced System Care 8 Pro ~

iObit relsed today, 11th November, the Advanced System Care 8 and I am rlly happy to be the first sharing on internet how to activate it.

What's new in Advanced System Care 8?
New and Simpler User Interface - Supported Maximizing UI and you can choose a picture of your family, pets or your favorite scene as the skin.New Performance Monitor - Show CPU, motherboard, card temperature and Fan Speed in Full mode. And supported screenshot and one-click boost.New Protect Module - Protect your browser homepages, srch engine, online surfing as well as reinforce your system.New Plugin/Toolbar Clner - Once a malicious toolbar attacks, you will be the first one to know that.New Browser Anti-Tracking - No history or privacy issue will be left for thieves or s after you close your browsers.New Software Updater - Keep your important soft up-to-date all the time.Rebuilt Startup Manager - 1 click to make your PC start quickly without any unnecessary Startup, Service, and Scheduled Task.IObit Uninstaller 4 - Remove unwanted programs, plugins, toolbars and even pre-installed 8 metro appliions in batch.Default Programs Tool - Set your favorite browser, viewer, player as default programs in one tab.Rebuilt Optimization - Added SSD (Solid State ) optimization and multi defragment.Privacy Sweep - Added cln more privacy issues for Metro Apps and Amazon downloader, live mail, live writer, Chrome38.0, Firefox33.0, Opera25.0, Fox Rder7.0, ASee18.0, Flash Player15.0, Air15.0, AVG Free Edition 2015, Avast Free Antivirus 2015, iTunes12.0.Registry Fix - Added fix for " Services" and enhanced scan engine's scanning speed and stability.Expanded Database - Larger database of Spyware Removal, Registry Fix, and Surfing Protection to protect your PC better.Support 10 Technical Preview - Basic system optimization for the pioneers in 10.* Supported 38 languages.
Installing ASC 8

As always, iObit relsed a free version. You can access the official website and download it. Then you can sily install and begin ASC basic configurations.
Once done, you can close ASC and move forward on tutorial to begin the process.

At the moment, I am testing some licences/, nothing working so far, anyway I always recommend to use modified files () because are more efficient than and I assure you, it won't unstable the program.
This process is quite simple and only require knowledge to manage files, basically renaming and copy/paste. In addition, administrator privileges are required.

You must start by downloading the file, you can get it from my Mega storage. Once downloaded, extract the files. Now, in Explorer, go to the ASC installation path. If you crted a shortcut on Desktop, you can sily navigate to the folder by right-clicking the shortcut and click Open file loion (or similar). If you don’t have any shortcut on Desktop, follow the next path (this is the default installation path)

C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8

Localize the file OFCommon.dll and rename it to OFCommon.dll.BAK

I use this method since ASC 6 and I never had problems. This is an optional step and if you want to, you can delete the file instd of renaming it to .BAK extension. In case of incompatibility, you can delete the file and rename OFCommon.dll.BAK (which is the original one) to OFCommon.dll
This is only a preventive msure
Return to downloaded files, take OFCommon.dll and move it to this folder. You require administrator privileges to this step. If the file was successfully moved, you are now able to run ASC and check it was successfully activated.

That’s all. Hope it works. Lve feedback in comments or send e-mail

iObit Driver Booster 2 2.0.2 Pro Free Licence 2014 2015

Antimalware Service Executable: High CPU Usage

Today I noticed that my 8.1 was getting very slow. I decided to take a look at Task Manager where I noticed that AntiMalware Service was using about 70-90% CPU. For some instants, the usage was full, 100%!

This guide explains how to fix this problem and is applicable to integrated Defender in 8.x and to Security Essentials in XP, Vista and 7.
By saying this you are alrdy understood AntiMalware Service Executable is a Defender/Security Essentials service, so ending this process is not recommended. Anyway, you won't be able to end it because is a integrated system process, so you probably will get access denied exception.

Why does it happen?

It's something ridiculous. I will try not be ironic at all ... because I rlly want to.
In the Task Manager (pictures below are from 8.x but the process is identical in 7 and older), if you right click AntiMalware Service Executable, you can open the file loion.

The file in cause isMsMpEng.exeNow I am able to explain why is it using so much CPU (when I took the picture it was more stable, but 11% stills considerable)
TheMsMpEng.exe is the file used by Defender/Security Essentials to scan your PC files. For some ius id, that file is scanning itself. Why? Because .. Logic!I am sorry but I rlly can't explain why is that happening.
Anyway, let's jump this part of questing ourselves why, and let's fix it!
How to fix it?
Once you opened file loion, you must the coy the directory. In Explorer (8.x version), in top, click tab Home and Copy Path

Now, go to Defender or Security Essentials (srch for it on Start Menu), go to Settings <Excluded files and loions

In first box, paste the path and click AddThe path will show up on the second boxSave changesand your problem must be fixed

Lve comments or send e-mail to

Installing 10 Technical Preview [VHD]

With the relse of 10 Technical Preview, I think is a good shot to explain how to install an OS in a VHD (Virtual Hard ). Because this is a Preview, which mns it's a beta version, installing this edition as Default and unique OS isn't a good choice at all. Crashes, may happen.
One option is install the 10 TP in a virtual machine. In PC's with lack of memory and fast CPU .. you won't be able to enjoy the rl 10.
My suggestion, is to crte a new partition and install it there, or even more sier and also secure, install it in a Virtual Hard .

Download 10 TP
Redirect to another post

What is a Virtual Hard ?

Virtual hard (VHD) is a file format for storing the complete contents of a hard drive. The , sometimes called a virtual machine, replies an existing hard drive and includes all data and structural elements. It can be stored anywhere the physical host can access.

There are two main types of virtual hard s: fixed-size and dynamically expanding. Both types have a maximum size value that specifies how large the will appr to virtual machines. However, fixed-size VHDs will automatically take up the specified amount of physical space on the host computer's file system, whers dynamically expanding s will alloe space only as needed.

Advantages of installing in VHD

Significant benefits result from the ability to boot a physical computer from a virtual hard drive:
se of deployment: IT organizations can deploy standardized, 'pre-built' configurations on a single VHD. As an example, software engineering organizations which need a specific set of tools for a particular project could simply 'pull' the appropriately-configured VHD from a network loion.Backup-and-Restore: Changes to the contents of a VHD (such as infection by a virus, or accidental deletion of critical files) are sily undone.Multi-User Isolation: Many current operating systems support having multiple users, but offer varying degrees of protection between them (e.g., one user of the OS could become infected by a virus which infects other users, or make changes to the OS which affect other users). By giving ch user their own version of the operating system—say, by crting for ch of them a differencing VHD based on a base installation of the OS—changes to any particular child would have no effect on any of the other child s.
Crte and mount VHD

I will work just in CMD ( Command Prompt)

On 8.x, press + S and srch for cmd
For older OS you can srch for it on Start Menufor cmd
In addition, you can access Prompt by pressing + R and type cmd, then OK
To work with VHD files, I'll use the parttool.

Part.exe is a text-mode command interpreter that enables you to manage objects (s, partitions, or volumes) by using scripts or direct input from a command prompt. Before you can use Part.exe commands on a , partition, or volume, you must first list and then select the object to give it focus. When an object has focus, any Part.exe commands that you type act on that object. [source]

Once on Prompt, type part to initialize part tool. (require administrator rights)

A new window will show up (see more). Now type the following script [change the specifiions as you wish like path, size, type ...]

crte v file="D:\v.vhd" maximum=40000 type=expandable
attach v
crte partition primary
assign letter=m
Remember this is just an example
In the first line, the syntax is based on:

crte v file=<file path>[maximum=<size in Megabytes>] |{[type=<fixed|expandable>]

You can also modify the fourth line. There, you tell partwhich drive letter you want to assign to the volume. In this case,M:
Be careful with the letter you chose. You can get an exception because that letter is alrdy in use. Go to Explorer followed by Computer and take a look for the letters in use. You can't use any of them.

VHD was successfully crted and formatted.

WAIK Tools ( Automated Installation Kit)

The Automated Installation Kit ( AIK) is designed to help original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), system builders, and corporate IT professionals deploy onto new hardware. The AIK is a set of deployment tools supporting the latest relse of . This guide describes the methods, tools, and requirements for deploying . [source]

Because we just need x, is ridiculous download an ISO file with 2Gb or more when x actuallyis a 598kb size file.
There is an app which allow you to download the main tools for Vista/7/8.x including x.
Know more about x tool

Download here

Copy the folder path of x.exe [example: C:\Folder_name]In pictures above, the path is a bit extensive and complex to use in command prompt. To avoid any problems, plse, copy the x.exe to directory C: .(or C:\Sources for example, something simple). The following scripts in this tutorial will present the path C:\x.exe (s may not match, I will update them)Applying WIM to VHD

Mount the download ISO file ( 10)In 7 and 8.x, exists an integrated tool in which allow you to mount virtual s. Just right-click on Iso filnd click Mount. If that option is not available, use thirdly-part software like UltraIso, Dmon Tools ...Run cmd as administratorOn 8.x, press + S and srch for cmd. Right-click and press Run as AdminWorks the same way for older OS. On Start Menu, srch for cmd and Run as AdminType the loion x.exe _folder path of x_
Example: C:\
Example2: C:\Folder
(ignore the considered path on )

x /apply _ISO mounted path\sources\install.wim_ 1 _VHD assigned letter_
Example:x /apply f:\sources\install.wim 1 m:

The base structure is
x /apply _file _ _name _path

_file : Specifies the name and the loion of the volume applied to the directory.
_ :Specifies the that references the specific volume within the .wim file.
_path :Specifies the file path where the will be applied.

Wait a few minutes for completation

Adding a VHD to native bootRun cmd as administratorOn 8.x, press + Sand srch forcmd. Right-click and pressRun as AdminWorks the same way for older OS. OnStart Menu, srch forcmdandRun as AdminType
bboot _vhd assigned letter_\
Example: bboot M:\

ConcludingNow, restart your PC. Boot to 10 Technical Preview and finish installation
[pictures and more support coming soon]

10 Technical Preview Product

Direct Link 10 Technical Preview

“One product family. One platform. One store”

After the conference yesterday, where 10 (it isn't 9 as everyone expected) was announced as the new successor to 8.x, the Technical Preview version was published today, a few minutes ago, in website.Here are the direct link to download 10 TP in Portuguese (Brazil) and English, with both 32-bit and 64-bit versionsYou can also access
Language Hiperlink Download English 32 bitsDownload(3,16GB) 64 bitsDownload (4,10GB) Português (Brasil) 32 bits​Transferir (3,13GB) 64 bits​Transferir (4,05GB)

AVG PC TuneUP 2015

Looking for AVG PC TuneUP 2015 for free? You came to the right place.
So far, no or are needed. I have a couple of licence that activate AVG TuneUP.
The instructions are very simple

1. Download the setup from the official website
2. Disconect from Internet
3. Run the installer. When finished, close every AVG and go to the Start Center (the main window)

4. Finally, go to Help and Support < Activate and paste one of next licences


Tested in 28/09/2014

5. You may ask yourself which Company and Name you should input .. well just lve it empty [worked for me]
6. Enjoy your product :)

To avoid future problems because of updates that may ch and block this , just disable the automatic updates and every time AVG asks you to do it, just ignore.
To disable auto-updates go to Settings < Updates and disable the checkbox

8.x Wireless problem after sleep or hibernate

Every time I set my 8.x to sleep or hibernate, I face Wireless authentiion problems.
I have a old PC but equipped with 8.1 Update 1 and today I noticed a problem. Every time I hibernate or set PC to sleep, and then turn it on, I face Wireless authentiion problems. I am not sure if it is a problem, a driver problem or if it is a PC's firmware and 8 compatibility problem.
All I know is that only happens with 8.x, in 7 no problem. I also noticed this problem in another PC I have, a laptop.
The way as I fix it, is:

Restarting Go to Device Manager (by pressing + X, a Menu show up in the bottom, left side), and disable my Wireless Network Adapter. Then I enable it again and finally I can connect and use Internet. In other words, I restart the driver.
Doing these steps every time, is annoying. I found out a solution, however there must be secondary problems for Laptops or Notebooks when you apply my solution propose.
Basically, what I do is to disable the option which tells to turn off my Network adapter. By default the turn it off, but for some rson can't wake it it properly.

How to fix it?

Go back to Device Manager. Go to Network Adapters < right-click your Wireless Adapter < Properties < Power Management tab and finally disable the first check-box Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power

The special case: Laptops and Notebooks

"...however there must be secondary problems for Laptops or Notebooks when you apply my solution propose."

Now I would like to explain the my sentence's mning. I once had a problem in my Laptop because of my network adapter. Because the option turn off the device was disabled, the Sleep and Hibernate options didn't work as they should. I mn, the PC screen was black and the led lights switched off [in case of sleep, the power light blinks] but after a few seconds it wake up alone. What I suggest to you, try my propose and if you face problems like this, just enable the option to turn off the device and maybe avoid Sleep/Hibernate functions.

Any question send e-mail to

2013 Direct Link Download

This post has focus on providing the direct download links of .Iso files of 2013 Professional Plus [other versions will be added] 32 bits and 64 bits in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English)

What are .Iso files extension?

ISO, also called ISO , are single files the represent perfectly an entire , or BD. The full content of a disc can be precisely duplied in a single ISO file. The advantage of downloading and mounting ISO files for Setup is that you skip the step of extracting files (like you must do in compressed files such .zip and .rar). Also, most recent versions like 7 and 8.x contain integrated support for this files. You can sily right-click on it and mount the file and use it like a /.

2013 System Requirements

Before we move on, is important to check which system specifiions requires. See official documentation from Technet here

Which is best: x32 or x64 version?

Running the x64 (64 bit) edition also requires an x64 edition. The advantage of x64 is a bit better performance. Disadvantage is that it doesn't support most third party plugins and add-ons. actually discourages the use of the x64 editions. So unless you're absolutely sure you need an x64 edition, you should choose x86 (32 bit).

Last update 30-09-2014

Product Language Download Professional Plus 2013 Português (Portugal) x86 x64 Português (Brasil) x86 x64 English x86 x64 Language Pack (coming soon)

2015 Trial Reset

Hey hey!! Security companies are now relsing their AntiVirus 2014/2015! 2015 Edition is now available. Today, I will explain how to activate life-time! *I can call it life time, the problem is that is manually

Before we move on, I recomend you toremove your currentantivirus. Downloadthe trial version of the product you wish, AntiVirus, Internet Security or Pure 3.0

Product Portuguese (Portugal) English 2015 AntiVirus Não Disponível Download 2015 Internet Security Não Disponível Download Pure 3.0 Transferir Download
Just install it. I will add some pictures to help but I think is sy.

At the end, if reboot is request Restart your .

Let's activate the trial period. Open the Main window of . In the bottom, right corner, click "Licence is missing"
A new window will show up.I don't have licences for . I am looking for 60-90-180 days licence. Anyway, what's matter now, is to activate the free trial 30 days. Click the green link Activate trial version of the appliion. Wait a few seconds, a successful must appr.
After the 30 days ..
Method Trial Reset
This is an excellent method. The trial reset software, as the name it says, it resets the trial period of the program. In this case, if you install the 2015 InternetSecurity with 30 days test, the reset tool will offer to you those 30 days again.

The problem is you have to do this every time the trial expires. I am trying to crte a Auto Reset Trial tool. (will take a while).

Download here

How to use this tool? The tool is Russian but don't worry about it. Before we move on, disable the protection. Right-click in icon in notifiion ar.It will appr a context menu. Click Pause Protection. It will appr a new window. Select the first option and then more than 5 minutes. You can also chose the third option Pause. In that case, later you must activate it manually. Click in Pause Protection button.

Now, we have to disable the Self-Defence
In the main window, go to Settings < Additional < Self-Defense
Uncheck the box and click Accept in the MessageBox that will show up.
Right-click in icon in notifiion ar. Click Exit.

Run the tool. In the first window, make sure the fourth line has green letters (that mns everything is rdy). Click the first button. A message box is shown, click YES your PC will restart. (don't scare)

Before you continue, save and close all your work (the reset tool may restarts the PC)

Start and enable protection again and Self-defense

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Suite 7 Pro

Smart and tablets, more than ever are part of ourroutine. This devices, almost sucowerfulas a normal PC, can be used to play games, work, browse the web, watch s and other tasks ...Android is the OS with more users and so I thought it would be nice to share with you someusefulprograms to maour device more complete. As you must know, some apps in Google Store are not free. Suite 7 is a app that provides to you the power to view, edit and crte documents. It is has two versions, the Free one and the Pro one and today I will share with you how to obtain the Pro version without any costs.
FTURES:• Ability to view, crte and edit complex and PDF files and attachments with a single complete fture-rich appliion.• Full compatibility with formats DOC, DOCX, DOCM, , XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM and support of common formats as PDF, RTF, TXT, LOG, CSV, EML, ZIP; Open formats – ODT, ODS and ODP.• Intact document formatting and layout and ability to crte advanced documents on the device.• Rich editing ftures for advanced document crtion and touch-up on the device.• sy file access to local, remote files and email attachment.• Integrated File Browser allowing you to access and manage your local and remote storage files; Quick access to Recent files, My documents folders and document templates.• Sharing via could, email, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct.• Integration with various cloud services as Box, DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive and SugarSync.• Spell checker, predictive text board, PDF camera scanner, compatibility Font Pack and many more ftures available as in-app upgrade to Suite Premium.• Available in 56 languages.• Optimized for work with boards with support of multiple board shortcuts and moving of objects and selections.
Step by Step:
It is so sy to get the Pro version. The only thing you must do is to download the APK and install it as any other program.

Any problem, send e-mail to

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2014 #2

Install KIS 2014 trial ...The first thing I have to do is install the 30 trial day of Internet Security 2014 or AntiVirus 2014. So, click one of the next buttons to chose what product you prefer. When you click it. it will start downloading the Setup. When completed, run the.exefile and install it.

Internet Security 2014 (Portuguese-English)
AntiVirus 2014 (Portuguese-English)After the trial period
Now is time to use the . Before you download it, you may disable the Protection. For that, right-click in iconin notifiion ar like the next . It will make appr a context menu. Click Pause Protection.It will appr a new window. Select the first option and then more than 5 minutes. You can also chose the third optionPause. Is the same. Click inPause Protectionbutton

Now, we have to disable theSelf-Defence
In the main window, go toSettings < Additional < Self-Defense
Uncheckthe box and clickAcceptin the MessageBox that will show up.

Right-click in iconin notifiion ar like the next . It will make appr a context menu. ClickExit.

Download the zip folder containing the necessary files. Click hereor if doesn't work try this Click" DELtrial_14_W8 "first [This will cln registry and also reset the trial]ClickDump.exeRight click onsetup.regfile(registry file) andMergeRestart and Resume the protection and enable Self-Defense again.

Driver Booster 1.4 Pro

Welcome for one more tutorial. Last day I tested Driver Booster fromiObit and I saw that is a very famous program in the ar of Driver Updates. This program can not miss in my blog :))

It is very sy to activate it! Let'ssummarize what you have to do to activate it.
1- Download and install Driver Booster (the free edition)
2- Disconnect from Internet
3- Use one of the I give to you to activate it
4- Connect to internet and enjoy it
First, download the setup from here!Install it. It is very sy.
When theinstallationis completed, disconnect from the Internet.Run Driver Booster and click 'Activate Now'A form will show up and then paste on of those

7E6CA-C22FD-0F079-5A0A1(Internet OFF [04/07/2014]) 2EC72-368A4-5E4E9-D54A1(Internet OFF [04/07/2014]) C71DE-50EC8-6AFA0-D20B9 NEW ** 1404C-9DE15-3399D-50DB9 NEW ** A3DDC-13AD6-C8B24-85CB9NEW & Recommended ****I activated my Driver Booster 1.4 with internet connection. For this , works. If is not working for you, disconnect your internet and try again
Hope you liked it!! Lve comments with feedback.Any question or recommendation for new tutorials, send e-mail to

This tutorial was review and updated last time: 04/07/2014

Remove controls from FlowLayoutPanel

How to remove all the controls on the FlowLayoutPanel Control
Today I will show to you the best way to remove any controls inside a FlowLayoutPanel

How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!

For this demonstration, in the Designer View of the Form add some controls like Buttons, RadioButton ... anything, inside of the FlowLayoutPanel.Now, add a button out of the FlowLayoutPanel. Set the text of this button to "Cln"Double-click the button (to open the file and crte the event .Click)
Paste the next
WhileFlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count > 0 'Determine if the flow contains any controls Dim controltoremove = FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls(0) FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Remove(controltoremove) controltoremove.Dispose()End While
Now press F5 to Debug the appliion.Click the button and you will see all the controls disappr.

Advanced System Care 7.4 Pro

Install Advanced System Care 7.4


The first thing you have to do, is install the free edition of Advanced System Care 7 (the most recent version 7.4)
You can get it from the official website here!

This tutorial has been testes last time 03/09/2014

When you have finished the download of the setup execute/open it! That will launch the installer. Just follow the steps to complete the installation

As you can see it is the free version!

... Upgrade to Pro version

Many times the are not the best way to activate a program. There are available that I will make it available on this post, but I prefered other method that is replace a file of the program.

First download the .zip file from here (direct link, no s) or here
Unzip it. There are to folders. Open the file and copy theOFCommon.dll

Then go to the path of ASC installation. The predefined is something like this:
C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 7

Paste the copied file by replacing the original one

Note: You need administrator priviligies and make sure you exited from Advanced System Care. Check also in the TaskManager (anything that contais Advanced System Care)

You have now unlimited pro version :)

Do you prefer some ?

I found and tested some for ASC 7.2 and these ones worked. Some of them need to disconnect from Internet
Note: New version of ASC has been relsed, the 7.4
The following have not been tested yet


AVG Internet Security 2014

The ... (till 2018)AVG Internet Security 2014 & AVG AntiVirus 2014


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AVG 2014
AVG 2014
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AVG 2014
AVG 2014 Trial Reset
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BitDefender 2014 All-Version

Minimium requirements
Operating System: Operating system: XP SP3 (32 bit), 7(SP1), 8CPU: 800MHz processorMemory (RAM): 1 GB, 2GB ( 8)Available free hard space: 1.8 GB free space (at lst 800 MB on the system drive)
Installing BitDefender 2014 ...The first thing to do is install the BitDefender Internet Security 2014. You can download the trial for free from the official website. The direct links for start downloading are more below.When the download is done (that must be quick because you are downloading the online installer) you must execute the file.The first thing that will be shown, is a very small window that is download the necessary files to start the installation. (The s are in Portuguese but that will not be a problem. I´m will translate what is necessary)
You will have to wait just a few seconds. Automatically will appr the next window. Select the options you want and then clickInstall. Remember that in my case, i didn´t selected the box that says "I want to customize my instalation" in the right-side. If you want to, you will have more steps that will not be shown here, in this tutorial.

BitDefender stills "continuing the tradition". I mn, before the setup start working with files and crting folders etc, first it will make a fast scan to your computer. At the same time it starts download the necessary files. When both are completed it will start the instalation.
After some minutes the installation is completed.
Activate BitDefender 2014 ...Now we are rdy to register BitDefender. The first thing to do is restart your in safe modeHow to restart my in safe mode?( Vista & 7)How to restart my in safe mode?( 8 and 8.1)How to restart my in safe mode?( XP)Now we are rdy to continue. Download the Trial Reset from this link (DropBox) or here(Mega). Run it as administrator. ClickInstall Auto-Reset. A message box will appr saying that BitDefender Auto-Reset wassuccessfullyinstalledEnjoy it!

TagsBitDefender Internet Security 2014
BitDefender Internet Security 2014 Free Download
BitDefender Internet Security 2014 Full Version Free Download
BitDefender Internet Security 2014
BitDefender Internet Security 2014
BitDefender Internet Security 2014 Product
BitDefender Internet Security 2014
BitDefender Internet Security 2014
BitDefender Internet Security 2014
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Activate 8.1

Download the
This works for: 8.1 Pro x86 8.1 Pro x64 8.1 Enterprise x86 8.1 Enterprise x64
Download from here
Activate 8.1 Pro
32 bits (x86)
The first thing to do is unzip the file. Open it. Open the folder 8.1 ProNow run the file U.exe (this will uninstall the current of if it exists)Many MessageBox will appr just click OK. You will get asuccessful message. Then open the folder 32bits inside of the folder 8.1 ProRun theA9600E-Professional-x86.exe as administrator. Restart the PC. Your is activated !
64 bits (x64)
The first thing to do is unzip the file. Open it. Open the folder 8.1 ProNow run the fileU.exe(this will uninstall the current of if it exists)Many MessageBox will appr just clickOK. You will get asuccessful message. Then open the folder64bitsinside of the folder 8.1 ProRun theA9600E.batas administrator. Restart the PC. Your is activated !If you get following errors:Setup SPP-channel from 8.1 (build 6.3.9431) is failedRollback to SPP-Channel 8.1 (Build 6.3.9000) is completeIn this case run again the U.exe and then SPP-restore.bat and thenA9600E.batRun everything as administrator

Activate 8.1 Enterprise
32 bits (x86)
The first thing to do is unzip the file. Open it. Open the folder 8.1 EnterpriseNow run the fileU.exe(this will uninstall the current of if it exists)Many MessageBox will appr just clickOK. You will get asuccessful message. Then open the folder32bitsinside of the folder 8.1 EnterpriseRun theA9600E-Enterprise-x86.exs administrator. Restart the PC. Your is activated !
64 bits (x64)
The first thing to do is unzip the file. Open it. Open the folder 8.1 EnterpriseNow run the fileU.exe(this will uninstall the current of if it exists)Many MessageBox will appr just clickOK. You will get asuccessful message. Then open the folder64bitsinside of the folder 8.1 EnterpriseRun theA9600E.batas administrator. Restart the PC. Your is activated !If you get following errors:Setup SPP-channel from 8.1 (build 6.3.9431) is failedRollback to SPP-Channel 8.1 (Build 6.3.9000) is completeIn this case run again theU.exnd thenSPP-restore.batand thenA9600E.batRun everything as administrator

Crte a

Crte a in
Today I will tch you how to crte a very simple in VB.netA (or ) is a very simple program that provides you a collection of for a certain program.

How to crte a project in Visual Studio?
Exists many ways to crte a new project in VS. For example, when you open your VS program, in theStart Pageyou will see the optionNewProject ...If you can´t see the Start Page you can also click inFile > New Project > Select Visual Basic > Forms AppliionRename your project name if you want and clickOK.It´s sy!
What controls we need ?
For a simple all you need is a TextBox and a Button. Advanced sometimes also verify if the specific program is installed and if the are available for that version. There also for multi-programs. In that case you can use a checkbox to specify the program.

After you add in to your Form a textbox and a button, double-click in the Button to crte the Event Click
Now, I relsed two options:This first one erate the using the same sequence
Dim i As Integer = 0 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim list As New ListBox 'Crtes a new listbox control With list.Items .Add("1") 'these Items are the .Add("2") .Add("3") .Add("4") .Add("5") End With
If i = list.Items.Count Then i = 1 TextBox1.Text = list.Items(0) Else TextBox1.Text = list.Items(i) i = i + 1 End If End Sub
This second one erate the altory
Dim As Integer = (Rnd() * 5)' of ... in this example are 5 Select Case Case 1 TextBox1.Text = " Here!1" Case 2 TextBox1.Text = " Here!2" Case 3 TextBox1.Text = " Here!3" Case 4 TextBox1.Text = " Here!4" Case 5 TextBox1.Text = " Here!5"End Select

Need help?
I hope youenjoyed. If you need help plse send an e-mail to

Atualizar do 8 para 8.1

Chegou o 8.1
Chegou ontem, dia 18 de outubro, o 8.1 a Portugal. Tal como a tinha prometido, este seria uma atualização gratuita para os usuários do 8. Além disso, é muito fácil de atualizar (mas somente para auns visto que já há muita te a queixar-se de problemas). Antes de começar, é obrigatório ter o 8 atualizado. Como posso atualizar o meu 8? É muito simples. Arraste o rato para o lado direito canto superior/inferior para aparecer a barra lateral. Clique em Defenições < Alterar defenições do PC

Irá abrir uma app do que permite configurar o mesmo. Clique no último item do Menu do lado esquero " Updates". Procure por novas atualizações e instale. Será necessário reiniciar o PC. Porquê ter de atualizar o PC? A já tinha avisado que para fazer este upgrade do 8 para o 8.1 seria preciso ter o 8 completamente atualizado. Mas a principal atualização em causa é aKB 2871389 que prepara o para a atualização. Apenas com esta, vai ser possivel instalar o 8.1 através do Store. Pode baixar a atualização através deste link

Agora deverá estar pronto para começar! Vá ao Menu Iniciar e clique na app Loja
Logo na Página Inicial da app irá surgir uma m como a seguinte:Clique na m com o texto "Atualize para o 8.1 gratuitamente"Clique em "Transferir"/"Baixar"
Quando o download terminar, o assistente de instalação informa que o computador precisa ser reiniciado. Guarde tudo o que estiver a fazer e clique em “Reiniciar Agora”

A instalação irá começar!
A atualização não aparece na Store? Saiba mais aqui

Internet Security 2014

Install KIS 2014 trial ...The first thing I have to do is install the 30 trial day of Internet Security 2014 or AntiVirus 2014. So, click one of the next buttons to chose what product you prefer. When you click it. it will start downloading the Setup. When completed, run the .exe file and install it.

Internet Security 2014 (Portuguese - English)
AntiVirus 2014 (Portuguese - English)

Activating 3 months trialNeed help? See the s ... Click in them to see in Full Screen.

The that you installed in your PC, only has 30 days to use. But I have one good new. There is available a that provides you 91 days trial. How I do that?
1- Click in Enter
2- Click in Activate appliion
3- Enter the next . Select it, right-click, Copy. Then in KIS , right-click in box and Paste
The is: QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62
4- Click Activate
5- Wait a moment ... when done it will appr a message saying that was successfully done. You have now 91 days to use .

After 91 days ...
Now is time to use a Trial Reset program. Before you download it, you may disable the Protection. For that, right-click in icon in notifiion ar like the next . It will make appr a context menu. Click Pause Protection. It will appr a new window. Select the first option and then more than 5 minutes. You can also chose the third option Pause. Is the same. Click in Pause Protection button

Now, we have to disable the Self-Defence
In the main window, go to Settings < Additional < Self-Defense
Uncheck the box and click Accept in the MessageBox that will show up.

Right-click in iconin notifiion ar like the next . It will make appr a context menu. ClickExit.
Before you continue, save and close all your work
Now we are rdy to reset the trial of . Download the here(checked last time 01-04-2014), or here(updated last time 27/04/2014) unzip and run the .exe file
Remember it must be run as administrator. The is in russian but no problem. Is sy :)
Click the first button like in . It will appr a MessageBox. When you click YES and will restart.

Now that restarted, open the Main Window of . It will say that you don´t have a licence. sy! Paste again the of 91 days trial and you will get it again. Follow the steps I showed inActivating 3 months trial section.

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